Hey Friends! Wow, It's been a month already! God has been so good this month, an I'm excited to share that with you guys a little bit here. Thank you all who have been praying and thinking of this ministry during this past month. Those prayers are not unnoticed I know, and I am so thankful for them and for you guys. Also thank you to all of you who are on my financial support team. This was the first month, and it was really possible in so many ways by you guys being generous and willing to be a part of this with me. Thank you guys. If you haven't set up that payment yet, now is the time! I can answer any questions about how to do that if you need me to. A big part of this month was getting started on the campuses with outreach to the new students coming in. So the second half of this month has been a really busy and really fun time of being on campus, meeting students, and having what we call "welcome week" events. These are activities we plan on campus to bri