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Showing posts from February, 2024


 Hello all! Welcome back. Here to update you on some of the happenings in Denton FOCUS lately. Thank you for investing in this vision, let me express to you some of the exciting things we're seeing. We're experiencing a real growth spurt lately. Not sure why, but we're thanking God. I think part of what's happening is that we have been blessed with a leader team that is full of zeal and energy for this mission. They are continuously pouring into the new students that come in, and we are so thankful for them.  We're also seeing a renewed thirst for spiritual things in this younger generation. For all of the news of the mass exodus from the country at large being associated with any specific religion. (non affiliated is the fastest growing cohort in the US), among gen z we're actually seeing a real thirst for spiritual things. The paths that they seek out for "spiritual things" definitely are not all good, there's renewed interest in the occult and o