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Showing posts from October, 2022

August/September 2022

 Hello all! It's been an exciting beginning to our fall semester here at the UNT and TWU campuses.  Our theme for this year is Come and See, based out of the story of the woman at the well in John 4. She's so struck by her encounter with Jesus that she immediately feels a need to tell people about it! Likewise out focus this year is around realizing what Jesus has done in our lives so that we have a similar passion to share that experience with those around us. Our sermons at TNF have focused on this idea for a these first few weeks of the semester, and it was a point of inspiration for our welcome week efforts to reach out to new students.  We have a lot of new leaders on the men's side in particular, which is due to so many graduating last year! Bittersweet, but it's been fun to get to know these new leaders and work with them every week in our mentorship meetings and leadership development time.  Our men's leader team this year. One of the things you guys can be