Hey all, Been a little while, and I wanted to check in with you all and say hello. This past week wrapped up the semester for students at Collin. It was a more stressful week for them as they prepared for finals, but less so for us on staff as this time of the year typically means things get a little less hectic. Here's a few highlights from the past month or so: I briefly mentioned Pizza Theology, that we had in November. We had Bill Watson, a professor at Criswell College (a local divinity school) come, and he taught for four hours to about 400 of our students on the Sermon on the Mount. One of the key things he taught that has really affected so many of the students I've been meeting with since is the idea that God's laws or rules that he gives to us are meant to act as boundaries for us to eventually come to the point where we love him and love the people around us well. So he doesn't tell us not to murder or lie or cheat or steal from our neighbor because l