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Showing posts from July, 2018

Power of Prayer

Hey All, Summer is coming to a close, which means fall semester is right around the corner, which is a super exciting time! I don't have a lot of updates from the past month, since most of my work time has been spent fundraising to prepare financially for the rest of this year. Thank you again to those of you who have so generously consented to or decided to start supporting campus ministry, and Nicole and I. I do have some very urgent prayer requests though, some of you know about these already. My heart is heavy about these situations and for these students. We need to be in prayer for them, so please join me in that. A student of ours recently attempted suicide, and another recently checked into a care facility for suicidal thoughts. Both are getting care and help, but please be in prayer for these two students. A student in our ministry recently experienced the death of his father by cancer and this past month, his older brother committed suicide. Please lift this fami