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Showing posts from November, 2017

On Healing

On Healing This month I have been reflecting a fair amount on healing and the role that it plays in people's lives. We've been doing a sermon series on this idea of "being sent" by God into the world and how much we get to be a part of God bringing life to people in various ways when we allow ourselves to be on mission with him. We've also been going through the book of Mark chapter by chapter in something we call Discipleship class. Every Friday from 12-2, about 25-35 students from our ministry gather in an upstairs room in the library and participate in unpacking a chapter of Mark at a time at a higher learning level. The goal is to help us (students and staff alike) learn who Jesus was by watching his life unfold, and in some sense to "grow up" in our faith by learning about it at a graduate level. We teach this class out of the NIV application commentary, and teaching through some of this stuff has made me so amazed at Jesus all over again. Beca...