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Showing posts from September, 2023


  Still going strong I'm here again and happy to report that this year is going really well! I am so thankful that God blessed us with the leaders and community that we have this year. Our leaders and staff are really putting in hard work and it's paying off, we're growing, and the number of students saying yes to studying the Bible 1-1 with us is at our highest rate in recent memory. This is EXCITING. I firmly believe that people's lives are changed when they encounter the gospel and scriptures and they allow it to mold and shape them, and 1-1 Bible study is our favorite way to try to set up a place where this can happen for people.  We're about to have our fall retreat in a couple of weeks, so please pray that people will sign up and come to that. It really makes a difference for new people feeling like they belong and them wanting to stay committed. It can be daunting for people to spend a weekend somewhere with people they don't know super well so pray that ...