Fall Retreat Our annual fall retreat went AWESOME this year! Thank you for your prayers. We had amazing turnout and the students that we have heard from about it have talked about how impactful it was for their relationship with God and each other. This is what we prayed for! We did talks centered around decision making, and had Ronnie Worsham, the founding pastor of our family of churches come and give a talk Sunday morning that was so good for our students. Thank you for your prayers. I've been reading a book called Cuckoos in our Nest by Ian Provan. He is a recently retired scholar at Regent, a seminary that we have partnered with for many years. His book is about the truths and lies about being human, and what it means to recapture the essence of those truths from scripture as we watch our culture sink further and further into lies. I highly recommend it. This Monday we are having The University of Texas Law and Religion Clinic come up and speak to us about how to...