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Showing posts from June, 2017

June Update (Happenings from May)

Hey All! Lots to share with you this post. The apprenticeship is officially over. Thank you guys for being a part of this past year with me, and for supporting me so well! We had our end of the year sermons that we give to the rest of the staff and Apprentices this past Tuesday and Wednesday where we get to share with everyone there the ways God has been working in our lives this year. It was such an encouraging time and I'm super thankful for those people who I've had the chance to work alongside this past year. Even though the Apprenticeship is over, I'll still be continuing on staff next year. I am excited to continue working at Collin and getting to still do campus ministry. So for the next couple months before school starts, I'll be working to get fully fundraised for next year, meeting with students who are in town for the summer, planning and adjusting for Collin Focus next year, and building better relationships with our Collin team. Please continue to pray ...