Hello Ministry Partners!
Just wanted to say hello and update you on a few of the happenings from this past month. Summer is an interesting time in campus ministry. During the semesters a lot of what we do revolves around the structure of our cores and core leaders, our 1-on-1 bible studies and friendships with new students, and mentoring our student leaders. During the summer, since the semester break is happening, a lot of that specific structure gives way to a lot more opportunities to spend time in different areas. That means there's a lot I could share for sure, but I wanted to share about a couple of things that have really stood out to me from this past month.
For one thing, summer is a great time to get to know students in the ministry I didn't get much time with this past year, and build relationships with students who are potential leaders for next year. I get to do that by meeting up with students throughout the week, but also something we're doing with some of our students this year is something called Summer one-on-one training. Every week, about 50 or so of our students who are interested in leading in our ministry in some capacity meet together in a home and learn about some practicals for befriending their peers and making real, deep friendships with college students that can point them towards Jesus. I've loved these times this month, and I'm looking forward to the two meetings we have left in the upcoming weeks.
Another meaningful part of my summer has been our weekly Summer Focus meeting. I LOVE these summer meetings, mostly because our summer focus is not a campus specific meeting, but all the students at the different campuses come together to worship and learn and spend time together. It's such a neat way to keep our different ministries connected and aware of each other, and getting to see God working at all the different campuses is so encouraging. The sermons this year are focusing on the different ways people relate to and spend time with God, and it's been really helpful for myself and the students too.
Perhaps the biggest chunk of my time right now is spent fundraising! Which most of you have heard from me about this in some capacity. I just want to take another opportunity to thank you guys for all the generosity and love you have shown not only this past year, but now continuing. I am still about 50% to my fundraising goal, so please please be in prayer for this that I would find people who are excited about what God is doing at our college campuses and would want to be a part of that, and again if you have any people you know of personally, let me know! One of the neatest ways I get to experience God's love is through you guys, my ministry partners who invest so much in these college students, and that is such a big blessing.
Just wanted to say hello and update you on a few of the happenings from this past month. Summer is an interesting time in campus ministry. During the semesters a lot of what we do revolves around the structure of our cores and core leaders, our 1-on-1 bible studies and friendships with new students, and mentoring our student leaders. During the summer, since the semester break is happening, a lot of that specific structure gives way to a lot more opportunities to spend time in different areas. That means there's a lot I could share for sure, but I wanted to share about a couple of things that have really stood out to me from this past month.
For one thing, summer is a great time to get to know students in the ministry I didn't get much time with this past year, and build relationships with students who are potential leaders for next year. I get to do that by meeting up with students throughout the week, but also something we're doing with some of our students this year is something called Summer one-on-one training. Every week, about 50 or so of our students who are interested in leading in our ministry in some capacity meet together in a home and learn about some practicals for befriending their peers and making real, deep friendships with college students that can point them towards Jesus. I've loved these times this month, and I'm looking forward to the two meetings we have left in the upcoming weeks.
Another meaningful part of my summer has been our weekly Summer Focus meeting. I LOVE these summer meetings, mostly because our summer focus is not a campus specific meeting, but all the students at the different campuses come together to worship and learn and spend time together. It's such a neat way to keep our different ministries connected and aware of each other, and getting to see God working at all the different campuses is so encouraging. The sermons this year are focusing on the different ways people relate to and spend time with God, and it's been really helpful for myself and the students too.
Perhaps the biggest chunk of my time right now is spent fundraising! Which most of you have heard from me about this in some capacity. I just want to take another opportunity to thank you guys for all the generosity and love you have shown not only this past year, but now continuing. I am still about 50% to my fundraising goal, so please please be in prayer for this that I would find people who are excited about what God is doing at our college campuses and would want to be a part of that, and again if you have any people you know of personally, let me know! One of the neatest ways I get to experience God's love is through you guys, my ministry partners who invest so much in these college students, and that is such a big blessing.
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