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Showing posts from October, 2018


Hello all Welcome back! UNT, NCTC and TWU FOCUS' are in full swing! Heres a look into what's been going on in my ministry lately: NCTC: This year in addition to being at UNT, I've been overseeing our NCTC campus, which is in Corinth, just right outside of Denton. NCTC is a small community college, where Aaron and the rest of the Denton staff have been working and building community for the past 3 years. It's been really cool to see this community grow over the past few years. I got to be involved my last year as a student as we were starting a FOCUS there. The campus has really changed. The first few weeks we were there, getting students to engage and talk was pretty challenging. The culture of these small community college is very much that of where students come, go to class, and leave without interacting with other students. Since we've grown our community there this has started to change. Students are now able to join and feel a part of a group of people p...