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Year end updates, on to summer!

Hey all,

Lot's to update you on in the past couple months! We're in the middle of a lot of changes right now, and I'll get to that soon but first, here's some news on what's been happening lately!

Big things recently:

  • Last of the meetings with my guys for the year

    • Every year I get to meet with a group of our guy student leaders every week, which is called my "Peer Team" for the year. It's one of my absolute favorite parts of my job every year. I love getting to get to know these guys, share Jesus and scripture with them, learn from them, and mentor them as we live life together for a year in the ministry. Sometimes I get to meet with the same guys for multiple years, but we won't know that till later this summer when we decide on our leader team for next year, so for now it's a time to say bye for now as these guys end their semesters and their time on the leader team closes until next semester or whatever they have next. It's bittersweet, I'll miss getting time with them every week, but I also almost always get to stay in their lives in the coming years and watch them grow and become a part of ministry in other ways, either through church or in FOCUS again, which is always so neat and encouraging. 

      This is one of my peer team guys this year, Devin Reardin. I met Devin several years ago when he came into the ministry as a freshman, and now he's graduating with a degree in journalism and looking to begin his career in that field this summer. I can't wait to see what God has in store for him and how he will use this dedicated man of God to continue to minister to people as an adult.

      With your support and prayers, you're making it possible for people like Devin to grow in their love for Jesus  during college which leads to them being able to introduce their future co workers and friends to Jesus and build the kingdom for years to come. This is good, good stuff that God is doing constantly in Campus Ministry that we can thank Him for and continue to work hard to be a part of. 

  • Outreach

    • I think I have mentioned this before, but we were able to do a lot more with our outreach times this year at UNT because we had a very generous donor donate a larger amount to specifically fund our outreach at our Denton Campuses. This has been such a big blessing, and we've been able to do a lot of things this year to bring in new people through this person's generosity and our bigger presence on campus because of that. 

    We had a number of seminars this year to bring in students who might not typically attend a strictly "ministry/church" type event. Our students met a lot of new people through these. This was one we had at the beginning of the year. 

Let's not forget the giant beach ball. If you want to attract the attention of college students, just get a 6 ft beach ball and start tossing it up on campus in between classes.
A bunch of our students and some new students we met after our Bubble Soccer event!
Bubble Soccer. Not for the faint of heart. 

One of the things we were able to do with outreach was have this book table full of books we would give out and book club meetings for the people we gave them to to come and discuss. We still had story time in the back as this was going on, and this went so well!

  • A few random things
  • Our last regular Friday Night Fellowship. This is our community sharing time where students come bringing scriptures and psalsms and worship praises to read to each other as we worship God. This is based on the ideas in the New Testament of expectations for worship. One example is from 1 Corinthians 14:26 "What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up." This is consistently some of the most meaningful moments in my week as we see the Spirit speak through the scripture and these students.

    Our leader team from this year! 
    • Prayer Requests
      • Our annual trip to SICM is coming up this week! We're taking another group of young potential student leaders up to learn about how to do campus ministry. Pray for their trip to be really good and teach them a lot, and that we would manage the trip well and travel everywhere safely.
      • Fundraising this summer is about to kick into high gear for me. Pray for God to help me find 10 people who would be interested in supporting what God is doing on our campuses through my ministry in FOCUS. 
Love you guys and so thankful for all that you do to support what is going on in campus ministry. 


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