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Showing posts from June, 2019

SICM 2019

SICM 2019 When we last talked, I was wrapping up another school year, and packing and planning for our annual trip to Bellingham, WA for the Student Institute of Campus Ministry. It's tempting to say that these trips blur together for me at this point, (not in a bad way) and in some   ways they do, but mostly they all have their own unique flavor and feel, mostly because they're each colored by a new cast of colorful characters, mostly in the way of the new group of students who go each year. This year we had about 25 new students from our Denton campuses go with us and the students from other FOCUS campuses, which is really exciting. It was a really good crew. This trip isn't just a vacation, or some type of initiation to keep people around by bribing them with views like this:  The students who go on these trips we fully expect this to be a turning point God uses in their life to begin their lives as disciple making Christians in their lives to come. It...