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This is the time of year that the community often starts to feel like family to each other. Winter Camp has come and gone, filled with so much of God working (which I'll get to shortly) and cores have been meeting together and sharing life in that group and 1-1 in Bible studies for half of a year now, and the relationships are deepening. It's a time to start looking more outward, to bring new students into what these students have been building with each other. Along with families though, as we all know, comes a fair share of challenges, which I'll share some of those in the prayer request section down below. But first, winter camp!

Briefly, in case you don't know, Winter Camp is our yearly camp with all of our campuses together. It falls on the first weekend of school starting back up, and it's four days together worshiping God, learning about scripture, and having fun together. This year some 500+ students gathered from across DFW to learn about Psalms, and it was such a great camp! Here's a link to a video one of our alumni took and put together for us:

Here's a link to the lectures during the weekend in case you're interested in hearing what was taught!
(They're the talks dated 1/28/20)

Big announcement though, our annual Spring Showcase 2020 is only two weekends away!
I would LOVE for you guys to come to this if you can! It's a really great date night or just fun night out with yourself or friends, and it goes to support our students going to a training conference in Washington that gives them tools to go back to their campuses and lead small groups, minister to their peers, and reach out to the lost people at their colleges. It's an incredibly worthy cause, and you'll also get a super fun and entertaining night out of it. We have multiple talented people performing songs, doing improv and a ton of art and original content for sale in our art sale besides the show. Please consider making it out!

Prayer requests:

  • Mental health challenges seem to be continuing to be prevalent in the form of anxiety and depression for our students. Please lift them up in prayer in this area.
  • Confession and living in the light 1 John 1:5-10 is an area our community is growing in right now. Please pray for continued attention to this in the student's lives, and that they would be open to the Spirit leading them to live more in the light with their brokenness so that they can begin to let God heal them and change them. 
Thank you so much for all you do to support and pray for campus ministry!



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