I just wanted to take this post to extend a special thank you to those who support our ministry. I try to make it clear how thankful I/we are that you support this mission by investing in it continuously, but today I want to make a special post to say that again. I love that there's a community of people who believe in investing in college students and believe in the impact they can have in the kingdom if we push them to follow Jesus and become disciple making disciples. Here's a story from one of those students that shows the beginning of that journey for yet another student so I hope you enjoy hearing about this, but again, thank you so much.
Hey all, Here to update you on the first few weeks of Denton FOCUS. It's been a whirlwind, we had two weeks of doing events on campus, lunches with new students, tabling and giveaways, big night events outside on campus playing capture the flag or lawn games. The 6 foot beach ball made multiple appearances :). It's been a really awesome start to the year, and so far the students have been responding really positively. By and large it feels like the ones we are meeting are interested in engaging, many of them wanting to get involved and even the ones who aren't are less hostile than some of our previous years, so that's something we are praising God for! Our second TNF, last night. We got a bigger room thank goodness, our first week in a slightly smaller room had people lined up along the walls! Our first two Thursday Night Fellowships have seen a bit under 300 students show up, which is awesome! (Fo context, last year our biggest Thursday night was in the low 200'...
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