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Hey all! 
I wanted to do something a little bit different this month. I've talked about Pizza Theology on here a few times before, and we just had another one. This time I want to link this semester's talks and encourage you to listen! It's about a 4 hour time commitment, but they are broken up nicely for you based on where we split up the talks. 

The wisdom literature is definitely not a topic you hear preached on or talked about most often in sermons, but I think they are incredibly timely and important for Christians in our current world. These books are challenging and will engage our theology in some really key ways for a culture that currently struggles with discernment and wisdom.  It was one of my favorite Pizza Theologies we have done so far so I hope you enjoy them!




Things are running along, we're quickly approaching the end of the semester and gearing up for another SICM trip. We're praying for that trip, so I welcome you to join us in that!

Thank you for your support and prayers, check out this student testimony below to hear a really neat story from one of our students. 



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